The Role of Microcopy in Enhancing User Experience
Microcopies decide the fate of the design. To some, this may sound an exaggeration but Microcopies do play a very crucial role in the user experience which is crucial for a good design. Microcopies are short phrases in the user interface that help the users figure out what’s happening on the screen and how to perform actions on the interface. Collectively these short phrases decide the user experience and the user’s journey through the application or website. In this article, we will discuss what Microcopy is. And what is the role of Microcopy in Enhancing User Experience?...
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Visual Elements of Web Design
Visual elements are an important part of web design because the whole User Interface( by which the user interacts with a machine or software) is made of Visual elements. Visual elements should convey a message related to the topic of the website, using various things such as different colors, shapes, font images, etc. In this article, we see some important visual elements used in web design, the importance of visual elements, and in the end some FAQs related to visual elements of web design....
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What are Haptic Interfaces?
In the hastily evolving panorama of technology, haptic interfaces have emerged as a groundbreaking subject that seeks to bridge the distance between the virtual and bodily worlds. Haptic interfaces permit customers to enjoy tactile sensations, adding a brand new measurement to our interplay with virtual environments. This article delves into the captivating international of haptic interfaces, exploring their applications, improvements, and the potential they preserve for revolutionizing various industries....
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Why to use UI/UX Design ?
People often tend to not understand the importance of UI/UX design, this leads to doubts about why we even need UI/UX design in the first place. This is the reason why UI/UX design is often undermined by the impact it creates on a website or an application....
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Importance of UI/UX Design for SaaS Product
UI/UX Design, referred to as “User Interface/User Experience design,” has become very important in the field of digital design, and there is no reaching thousands of users without focusing on creating a good visual interface and improving the experience of the product or service for the user. In this article, we will discuss the importance of UI/UX design and how much it should be taken care of while building your next SaaS product. But let’s first discuss the basics....
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Difference Between User-Centered and Business-Centered Design
Design is a field that plays a crucial role in developing products, services, and experiences. Over time two main approaches to design have emerged; User Centered Design (UCD) and Business Centered Design (BCD). While both aim to create solutions they differ in their primary focuses and underlying principles. This article explores the intricacies of User Centered and Business Centered Design highlighting their distinctions, advantages, working processes, and potential challenges....
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What is the 3I model in design?
Design thinking frameworks are a great way to ensure that the design team is following a proper design thinking process before you can move on to working on the actual design. The 3I model for design is one such design thinking framework created by IDEO which is a renowned international design firm founded by David Kelley in 2008. The 3I framework for design outlines the three key phases of the design process – inspiration to understand people, ideation to generate ideas, and implementation. The model was developed in the year 2001 and back then it was created to focus on innovation for social purposes but now it is widely considered as a great design thinking framework for any project. In this article, we will discuss what the 3I model for design is and what are some best practices around it....
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Law of Prägnanz in UX Design
The laws of Gestalt are an essential resource for anyone hoping to grasp the nuances of user-centric design, be they an aspiring UI designer or a budding UX professional. They are essential to understanding how people view shapes and how to use that information to make superior and user-friendly goods and services....
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What is Recognition vs Recall in UX Design?
The educated individual represents not only knowledge or skills but also a coordinated system that can afford interaction with others. In user experience design, this is giving the information or options to the users that they have seen before that they can practically recognize in a checkbox or interface array. Recognition is seen as a simpler memory task because it is supported by hints or signposts that prompt recall....
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First Time User Experience (FTUE)
FTUE or the initial first user experience is highly important in regard to users’ first encounter with a product/service which holds a key role in developing this image and their interaction with the product/service. Infusing this initial encounter beyond the predominant usage of interfaces and functions, the experience should be a memorable and catchy one that remains in users’ minds for a long time. Through the provision of a good user-friendly interface, the FTUE not only enables users to understand the app but also increases their confidence and trust which in turn lays a perfect ground for continued engagement....
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How to Develop an Empathic Approach in Design Thinking?
The emphatic approach in design thinking means an approach that is centered on gaining a deep and meaningful understanding of people. Who is going to use your website? It means removing your assumptions and trying to understand the experiences of users, their needs, wants, motivations as well as goals. Key things you need to do for designing an empathic approach are...
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Peak-End Rule in UX Design
In UX design, the Peak-End Rule highlights that consumers assess their experiences mostly on the basis of the peak (the highest point) and the end (the lowest point). To make a lasting impact on consumers, designers should concentrate on producing peak moments that are memorable and making sure that the resolution is positive. Designers can improve user experiences by utilizing the Peak-End Rule to increase consumer satisfaction, perception, and engagement....
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